Archive for the 'News and Views' Category

Jan 17 2014

Unbelievable Facts

A study purporting to ‘debunk’ the blood type diet theory has recently been published. [1,2] However, a closer look at the study’s experimental design raises serious questions about its conclusions, including whether in fact the participants were actually following the blood type diet at all, and given its other parameters, would it have even been […]

63 responses so far

Jun 03 2013

Gnomic Advice

I object, your honor! This trial is a travesty. It’s a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham. — Fielding Melish “Blood Type Diets Don’t Work,” “No Science Behind Blood Type Diets,” scream headlines on mass media sites like Reuters and NewsMax, who […]

9 responses so far

Sep 30 2010


R ead of a fantastic new initiative on The Edge website that proposes to study cancer by involving physical scientists (in this case informatics titan Danny Hillis) in collaboration with biomedical investigators. The leaders of the National Cancer Institute are very keenly aware of how little progress has actually been made in the treatment of […]

2 responses so far