Archive for the 'Polymorphisms' Category

Mar 13 2015

Fats, Blood Groups and the Intestines

Variations in the levels of two proteins critical for fat breakdown may explain why some blood types do poorly high fat diets, while others seem to thrive.

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Mar 02 2015

Blood groups, secretor status and the microbiome

ABO blood group and secretor status exert a powerful influence on the growth on many microorganisms in the body, including yeast, such as Candida albicans, and many of the bacterial forms that inhabit the intestinal tract. In life it’s not just what you are eating, but what is eating you.

8 responses so far

Feb 22 2013

Blood Type Versus ‘DNA Diet’

I tend to think that when they start throwing ad hominems at you, it is a sure sign of victory.’ –Christopher Hitchens One of the things I’ve never quite understood about the proponents of the various assorted theories of nutrition is why, for many, the only way to prove your method is by denigrating of […]

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Nov 09 2011

When you point one finger, four usually point back at you.

There have been no shortage of supercilious, poorly researched articles about the blood type diets in the major media. They are usually provoked by a statement of support by some celebrity or media icon who has experienced success with the plan. Typically within a week my phone rings off the hook with one major media […]

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Feb 23 2011

On blood groups and heart disease

A recent Lancet article has resuscitated some interest about the influence of ABO blood groups and one’s chances of developing coronary atherosclerosis. Like a lot of earlier studies that documented the influence of blood group phenotypic influences on disease incidence, the researchers went in looking for one correlation and wound up finding another; and possibly produced an oversimplification in the rationale of their results.

8 responses so far

Nov 11 2010

Drugs and Blood Types in the Time of Cholera

Cholera, a disease that is assuming serious proportions in hurricane-ravaged Haiti. Cholera strikes so fast it is sometimes called the lightening disease. Without rehydration therapy, or antibiotics for severe cases, cholera can kill in a matter of hours. The disease causes acute diarrhea that can lead to severe dehydration. Blood group O individuals have a greater risk of infection with cholera and develop the most severe and life threatening forms of this illness.

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Oct 06 2010

Archeogenetics II: Early blood groupings

It would be tidy if all people who were blood group O lived in one part of the world, and all blood group A in another. But this does not happen. The various blood groups are found pretty much all over the world. However they are not found in the same frequency everywhere. It was this difference in the frequency of the different blood groups that gave the early blood group detectives their first insights into human individuality.

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