Tag Archive 'datapunk'

May 07 2013

The Watussi and the History Erasure Button

The Watussi (or Watusi) was a popular dance craze in the early 1960’s, in addition being the historical name for the Tutsi ethnic group in East Africa. ‘Watussi’ was also the lead track on the seminal offering (Musik von Harmonia) by those legends of Krautrock Michael Rother, Hans-Joachim Roedelius and Dieter Möbius (Harmonia). As I […]

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Oct 12 2011

Walking on Eggshells

After a self-declared coding holiday, I was back at things this weekend working on the Pathscrubber module of the Datapunk platform. A recently developed vexing problem that needed to be addressed was actually two problems intertwined. If you used Pathscrubber and clicked on any gene/protein node, PS would query Entrez-gene for the descriptive text and […]

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