Mar 13 2015
Fats, Blood Groups and the Intestines
Variations in the levels of two proteins critical for fat breakdown may explain why some blood types do poorly high fat diets, while others seem to thrive.
Mar 13 2015
Variations in the levels of two proteins critical for fat breakdown may explain why some blood types do poorly high fat diets, while others seem to thrive.
Sep 08 2013
The deepest problem: of the immortality of the crab, is that a soul it has, a little soul in fact … That if the crab dies entirely in its totality with it we all die for all of eternity Miguel de Unamuno, ‘The Immortality of the Crab’ Pensar en la inmortalidad del cangrejo (‘Thinking […]
Feb 22 2013
I tend to think that when they start throwing ad hominems at you, it is a sure sign of victory.’ –Christopher Hitchens One of the things I’ve never quite understood about the proponents of the various assorted theories of nutrition is why, for many, the only way to prove your method is by denigrating of […]
Sep 24 2011
The last century has seen science and technology used to justify any and all supremacist theories, culminating in the development of a pseudoscience called “Eugenics”, which advocated the improvement of society through what might me called selective breeding. Now, not all of the eugenic goals were crackpot and indeed many prominent scientists (including one of […]