Archive for the 'Glycobiology' Category

Sep 08 2013

Thoughts on the Immortality of the Crab

The deepest problem: of the immortality of the crab, is that a soul it has, a little soul in fact … That if the crab dies entirely in its totality with it we all die for all of eternity Miguel de Unamuno, ‘The Immortality of the Crab’   Pensar en la inmortalidad del cangrejo (‘Thinking […]

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Feb 09 2012

Practical Glycomics

Peter D’Adamo, ‘Practical Glycomics’ (10/23/11) Initial hour of six-hour, day-long seminar done for the UB Nutrition Institute, October, 2011. Peter D’Adamo, Flying Spines (1981) Blog this!Recommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare on technoratiTweet about itSubscribe to the comments on this postTell a friend

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Dec 22 2011

Eat Me

Imagine that you are the owner of a small factory that makes replacement windows. Normally, your ordering department does a pretty good job of things and the supply of the constituent parts necessary to make a decent replacement window (one assumes these to be things like glass, vinyl, aluminum, hardware, etc.) arrive punctually and in […]

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Mar 15 2011

Carbohydrates: More than just calories

Carbohydrates comprise only about 1 percent of the human body; proteins comprise 15 percent, fatty substances 15 percent and inorganic substances 5 percent (the rest being water). Nevertheless, carbohydrates are important constituents of the human diet, accounting for a high percentage of the calories consumed. Thus some 40 percent of the calorie intake of Americans […]

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Nov 11 2010

Drugs and Blood Types in the Time of Cholera

Cholera, a disease that is assuming serious proportions in hurricane-ravaged Haiti. Cholera strikes so fast it is sometimes called the lightening disease. Without rehydration therapy, or antibiotics for severe cases, cholera can kill in a matter of hours. The disease causes acute diarrhea that can lead to severe dehydration. Blood group O individuals have a greater risk of infection with cholera and develop the most severe and life threatening forms of this illness.

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Nov 06 2010

The Lives of a Cell

Harvard University has developed an animation that would take their cellular biology students on a journey through the microscopic world of a cell. Amazing.

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Oct 13 2010

Gene Copy Numbers, Autism and Seaweed

M ost people can get their heads wrapped around the idea that genetic variation can occur by virtue of the presence (or lack) of a particular gene. And no doubt some of you understand the basis of the simple mutations that can influence gene function, such as point deletions (which would make you blood group […]

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