Archive for the 'Phenotypic Plasticity' Category

Jun 02 2012


“There are two possible outcomes: if the result confirms the hypothesis, then you’ve made a measurement. If the result is contrary to the hypothesis, then you’ve made a discovery. —Enrico Fermi A few months after his death in 1528, Vier Bücher von menschlicher Proportion (“The Aesthetic Anatomy of Human Proportion”) by German artist Albrecht Dürer […]

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Sep 12 2011

Transposable elements

DNA sequencing is not static. A considerable amount of DNA jumps around from place to place. While other elements compete for representation at a given locus, transposable elements accumulate by copying themselves to new locations in the genome. Transposable elements are sequences of DNA that can move around to different positions within the genome of […]

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Feb 05 2011


Known to the Dutch as the “Hongerwinter,” the winter of 1944-45 saw the birth of almost 40,000 babies, each of whose vital statistics, such as name, birth date, and weight, were duly recorded by the Dutch authorities. In the 1960’s researchers began to study these now fully-grown famine survivors, and the results were shocking.

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Dec 28 2010

Chutes and Ladders

The game is based on the ancient game of Snakes and Ladders, actually a game of morality, which is believed to date back to ancient India, with bases of the ladders being located on squares representing various types of good and the more numerous snakes signaling evil.

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Dec 12 2010

Despised Theories, No. 3: Lysenkoism

If contemporary genetic determinism was tainted with the over-extrapolations of eugenics, Lamarkism and epigenetics labored under its own set of miasma –brought about, strangely enough, as much by differences in political philosophy as by differences in genetic determinism.

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Nov 24 2010

The Great Chain of Being

The Book of Genesis has an interesting take on genetics and the environment.

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Nov 10 2010

Review of ‘Fundamentals of Generative Medicine’

Joseph E. Pizzorno, ND of was kind enough to send along a review of my textbook Fundamentals of Generative Medicine that will appear in the upcoming issue of Integrative Medicine, A Clinician’s Journal.

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Oct 07 2010

The Epigenetics of Lifespan

The beneficial effects of caloric restriction (or therapies that mimic caloric restriction) appear to exert transgenerational effects -at least in rotifers. A new study appears to implicate the enzyme catalase with the longevity benefits of caloric restriction.

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Oct 03 2010

Fingerprint White Lines and Gluten

Although almost everyone knows that fingerprint ridge patterns remain constant and unchanging throughout life (which is why they are so useful to law enforcement) even professionals involved in dermatoglyphics research are often unaware of the changeable nature of the actual height of the ridges themselves. There are a series of surprising correlations between changes to the height of the ridge pattern and links to gluten intolerance found in diseases such as celiac.

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