Archive for the 'Complexity Science' Category

Mar 12 2012

Fruity Loops and Arrowheads

One of the features of any network is the appearance of motifs, patterns (sub-graphs) that recur within a network much more often than expected at random. These small circuits can be considered as simple building blocks from which the network is composed. This analogy is quite useful, since many of these motifs would appear to […]

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Dec 18 2011


A quodlibet is a piece of music combining several different melodies, usually popular tunes, in counterpoint and often a light-hearted, humorous manner. The term is Latin, meaning “whatever” or literally, “what pleases.” Quodlibet (QUOD) is a suite of network creation, editing and querying software I am currenty developing. QUOD is a software application that displays […]

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Jun 18 2011

Genetics as an Interactive Sport

“For your information, I would like to ask a question.” —Samuel Goldwyn From an evolutionary point of view, in order for something to carry information, there must first be some sort of “receiver” that reacts to the source of information and interprets it. Through its reaction and interpretation, the receiver’s functional state is changed in […]

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Dec 02 2010

The Recipe Inside the Recipe

An insignificant percentage of the total amount of DNA is devoted actual gene function. But as with most techniques, it’s not what you have, but rather what you do with it.

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Nov 20 2010

How Things Happen

Emergent processes, such as self-organization, literally create order out of disorder. They are responsible for most of the patterns, structures and orderly arrangements that we find in the natural world, and many of those in the realms of mind, society and culture. Patterns form from a state of non-equilibrium, according to the laws of thermodynamics.

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Nov 10 2010

Review of ‘Fundamentals of Generative Medicine’

Joseph E. Pizzorno, ND of was kind enough to send along a review of my textbook Fundamentals of Generative Medicine that will appear in the upcoming issue of Integrative Medicine, A Clinician’s Journal.

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Nov 06 2010

The Lives of a Cell

Harvard University has developed an animation that would take their cellular biology students on a journey through the microscopic world of a cell. Amazing.

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Oct 31 2010

The Game of Life

Fifty years ago, if a group of scientists were asked to define the key to life, the great majority would point to metabolism; how we obtain energy from food. However, adding all the required molecular components and stirring it up will not produce an organism. A more modern view of molecular biology is concerned with organization in time and space. How doe the molecules of life arrange themselves throughout the cell’s compartments, how do they move around, and communicate so as to synchronize their actions? We can ask this question because we can now inspect the working cell at a molecular level and take snapshots of its molecules doing their business.

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Oct 20 2010

Have a heuristic. Take two, they’re small.

I ‘m getting to the point where I am seriously thinking of commencing my next software project. It will based upon much of my recent exploits in generative sciences, complexity theory, network medicine and systems biology. What makes it interesting is that the informatics will probably proceed from two independent starting points, one dichotomous and […]

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Oct 11 2010

Biofilms and New Music

Many bacteria are capable of altering their genetic expression based upon an assessment of their environmental conditions and a novel approach to controlling bacterial infection may involve interfering with the ability of one bacteria to communicate with another. Interestingly, their modus operandi also makes good New Age music.

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