Feb 09 2012

Practical Glycomics

Published by at 7:37 am
Under Epigenetics | Glycobiology | Nutrigenomics

Peter D’Adamo, ‘Practical Glycomics’ (10/23/11)

Initial hour of six-hour, day-long seminar done for the UB Nutrition Institute, October, 2011.

Peter D’Adamo, Flying Spines (1981)

One response so far

One Response to “Practical Glycomics”

  1. Red says:

    Hello Dr. Peter,
    i just finished listening to your 1 hour lecture.
    is the whole lecture available any where? how about the slides/presentation?

    i am interested to listen & learn from the full length of this seminar, if that is possible.

    it is very interesting. Thank you very much for sharing your time & special knowledge!

    — Red from the Philippines